This show airs on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Let us never forget the atrocity that took place that day. Let us avenge the deaths of those Americans by restoring the Freedoms that we have foolishly pissed away in the last ten years with the implementation of freedom killing laws like the Patriot Act and the creation of wasteful Government behemoths like the Department of Homeland Security and their Gestapo-like TSA.
This episode focuses on none of that.
This show is a doozie, sports fans. At an hour and twenty something minutes it’s my longest offering to date. In it, I go over some regional hot-spots to avoid and some nice places to rest awhile when you are out there exploring this wonderful land.
When I mention a town south of Milwaukee I call it “Raphine.” The name correct name of the town is Racine. Rahine is a town at mile marker 205 in Virginia. There is a decent Petro Stopping Center there. It used to be White’s Truck Stop. They had a large gun case mounted on the wall, but that is gone now.
In related news, Manly Announcer has taken over the admin duties for my Facebook Fan Page. Please check that out and click “Like” unless you hate me. If you hate me then go back to watching Joy Behar on The View, wussy. Also, please welcome the show’s new mascot: Squashy the RoadGunner Possum, who replaced the very short-lived RoadGunner the RoadGunner Panda.
I can’t find any info on Disney’s website about carrying concealed on their property. Theme parks are not among the places off limits under Florida law. Carry there at your own discretion.
Walt Disney World Parking Fees Jubitz
Cabela’s Gee-Cee’s, Toledo, Wa
America’s Black Holocaust Museum (defunct)